Allianz Trade

Internal Web-Series

Corporate TV Show


Despite many different objectives that corporate shows have, their main one stays simply to be watched.


Use the post-fusion rebranding of Euler Hermes with Allianz to bring a bit of freshness to the existing version of the Web-Series. This freshness aims also to enhance the team spirit in collaborators across borders and make them feel united under this new name.
Bringing the teams together means filming across the world: Tour First at La Défense in Paris, Warsaw, Milan and Baltimore in 2022. London, Hamburg, Lisbon and Hong-Kong in 2023!


Make the content snackable ; dynamic, friendly, spontaneous, quick and relatable.


6 episodes of 8min each per year, ready-to watch on Allianz Trade intranet and its 5500 employees worldwide. Available in 6 languages they are completed with special mini episodes to announce breaking news.
Each shooting is conducted with eco-conscious approach: reduced teams for each travel, train when possible, used materials and local rentals.

Un ton juste, des formats interpellants, couronnés d’une relation efficace et agréable, Swan a su parfaitement nous épauler afin de valoriser nos actions RSE.
